The Colorless Fuck

The Colorless Fuck

by Kristyn Hope Salvador

I fuck white.
So, do you hear me callin' Massa?
Just because I respect Malcom,
does not mean that I can't hear Dylan.
And, don't you ever be confused
I love my color,
But I lust after your cream.
And you need not remind me of
what happened over 400 years past,
it's just that I, too, understand the
"Ballad of the Easy Rider".

Do you see me laughing?
in the faces of the men who
impregnated your mothers---
the formation of you?
Do not make me feel shame
for sins decided upon by another's hand.
Yet, despite this claimed pride, I
hide my box of tampons and
wash my underwear out in your sink,
for we can't leave behind evidence...

that you loved me once.

In a world where
Black is Ghetto
White as a Ghost, you
Float in and out
of dreams of
Pretty things

Straw hair and black eyes
do not mix
in this land of wheat

Where my father was a Nigger
and my Mother was his slave
Cur-sed skin from her womb, where
in me, now
er than before.

I do not belong with you.
They do not want me.
So, dig out my box of tampons
from the closet of hidden truths,
then release from your bed
my kinky hair and
tanned ass,
because our children, will
be laughed at.

I will walk away from you
into nowhere.
Pulling at the string
that connects me
to you
us to
them me
from myself.
Leaving behind a trail
of blood
from the dream of
the colorless fuck.

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ISSN 1708-721X