Editor's Note
the past five years, Brandon University has welcomed five of Canada's
most accomplished and promising minds through the Canada
Research Chairs Program.
With the Institution's Strategic Research Plan as its guiding principle, Brandon University successfully recruited Chairs in the following disciplines: History, Scientific Systems Analysis and Modelling, Literature and Creative Writing, Archaeological Residue and Functional Analyses, and Resource Management and the Environment.
All of Brandon University's current Canada Research Chairs are at the level of Tier II Chairs. Tier II Chairs, tenable for five years and renewable once, are for exceptional emerging researchers, acknowledged by their peers as having the potential to lead in their field. Brandon University's first Chair, Dr. Margaret Carrington, is going forward for renewal this year, and the University was recently allocated a 6th Tier II Canada Research Chair, which will be filled in the next couple of years.
In an effort to showcase our Canada Research Chairs, we've included here some information about our Chairs, their areas of teaching and research, as well as a copy of their most recent paper or published work. We hope you enjoy this edition of Ecclectica, and that you learn more about five of Brandon University's many outstanding researchers.
Ms. Robin Saliba
Coordinator of Research Services
Brandon University
The Canada Research Chairs Program stands at the centre of a national strategy to make Canada one of the world's top countries for research and development.
In 2000, the Government of Canada created a new permanent program to establish 2000 research professorships—Canada Research Chairs—in universities across the country by 2008. The Canada Research Chairs Program invests $300 million a year to attract and retain some of the world's most accomplished and promising minds. www.chairs.gc.ca
Statistics Total number of Canada Research Chairs awarded 1,851 (as of November 2007) Number of Tier 1 chairholders 829 Number of Tier 2 chairholders 1,022 Number of chairholders recruited from outside of Canada 584 (32%) Expatriates 267 International recruits 317 Number recruited from USA (expatriate and international) 372 Number of female chairholders 446 (24%) Number of male chairholders 1,405 (76%) Number of chairholders renewed for a second term 180 Number of participating universities 70
For more information about the Canada Research Chairs program's Tier system, please see: http://www.chairs.gc.ca/web/program/index_e.html